The plan is to desecrate Alaric through magic, just like Bonnie’s mother did with Mikael before. Said team, of course, now includes Klaus, as he’s just as interested in saving the two girls as the Salvatores are.

The title refers to the amount of time before this new bad guy can go on a full-scale rampage through the town, and the team have to figure out a way to save Elena and Caroline before the sun goes down. The Vampire Diaries has a more twisted morality than most shows of its type, but with so many members of the central cast made up of the undead, it’s clear we’re ultimately supposed to root for the destruction of Alaric 2.0.

We, like our heroine, might like Caroline, Stefan, Damon and Tyler, but wouldn’t Mystic Falls be a lot safer without them around? Vampires on the show kill people on a regular basis, and the main character simply turns a blind eye a lot of the time. Then there’s the fact that he has a good point. Firstly, it’s arguable that he knows Elena the best out of the all the characters, and she still holds a great deal of affection for her former stepfather. Kudos to the writers with this as Alaric really is the ultimate villain for the show at this juncture.

His master plan is to draw Elena to the school and enlist her in his new anti-vampire mission. The teaser for the episode is pretty brutal, as Alaric braves the sunlight to run down our favourite blonde, snap her neck, and tie her up with a vervain gag and a couple of well-placed pencils. It really seems like Matthew Davis is having an absolute blast with this new storyline, and, as I’ve said before, if this is his last hurrah on the show then it’s a great end for the character. Firstly, Caroline looks to be in trouble when her and Rebekah’s prom clean-up effort is intercepted by a thoroughly evil Alaric.